Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Monday Night
Monday morning
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Interesting article explaining about Islam and Valentine’s Day
Every year when Valentine’s Day around the corner, I read few comments about Muslim not suppose to celebrate that day. Many people giving a lot of kind reason. But today a friend forward this on Facebook and by far this is the best explanation for Muslim and Non Muslim to understand why we, Muslim can not celebrate Valentine’s Day. To be honest at the end of the day, it is up to each individual to choose ‘to be or not to be’. I don’t believe on forcing people to do anything unless they want it. Enjoy reading..
Why do we Muslims not celebrate Valentine's Day?
This question may be answered in several ways:
1- In Islam, the festivals are clearly defined and well established, and no additions or subtractions may be accepted. They are an essential part of our worship and there is no room for personal opinion. They have been prescribed for us by Allah and His Messenger . Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy on him said: "Festivals are part of the laws, clear way and religious ceremonies of which Allah Says (what means): 'To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way' [Quran 5:48] and 'For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow.'" [Quran 22:67]
Like the Qiblah (the direction faced in prayer), prayer and fasting. So there is no difference between joining them in their festival and joining them in their other rituals. Agreeing with the whole festival is agreeing with disbelief. Agreeing with some of their minor issues is the same as agreeing with them in some of the branches of disbelief.
Festivals are the most distinctive things by which religions are told apart, so whoever celebrates their festivals is agreeing with the most distinctive rituals of disbelief. Undoubtedly, going along with them in their festivals may, in some cases, lead to disbelief. Dabbling in these things, at the very least, is a sin. The Prophet referred to the fact that every nation has its own festivals when he said: "Every nation has its own ‘Eid and this is our ‘Eid." [Al-Bukhaari]
Because Valentine's Day goes back to Roman times, not Islamic times, this means that it is something which belongs exclusively to the Christians, not to Islam, and the Muslims have no share and no part in it. If every nation has its own festivals, as the Prophet said: "Every nation has its ‘Eid" [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] - then this means that every nation should be distinguished by its festivals.
If the Christians have a festival and the Jews have a festival, which belongs exclusively to them, then no Muslim should join in with them, just as he does not share their religion or their direction of prayer.
2- Celebrating Valentine's Day means resembling or imitating the pagan Romans, then the Christian People of the Book in their imitation of the Romans in something that was not part of their religion. If it is not allowed to imitate the Christians in things that really are part of their religion - but not part of our religion - then how about things which they have innovated in their religion in imitation of idol-worshippers?
Imitating non-Muslims in general -whether they are idol-worshippers or People of the Book - is Haraam (prohibited), whether that imitation is of their worship - which is the most serious form - or of their customs and behaviour. This is indicated by the Quran, Sunnah and Ijmaa' (scholarly consensus):
(i) From the Quran: Allah Says (what means): "And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment." [Quran 3:105]
(ii) From the Sunnah: the Prophet said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." [Abu Daawood]
Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy on him said: "This Hadeeth (narration) at the very least indicates that it is Haraam to imitate them, although the apparent meaning implies that the one who imitates them is non-Muslim, as Allah Says (what means): 'And if any amongst you takes them friends (and helpers), then surely, he is one of them' [Quran 5:5]."
(iii) With regard to Ijmaa', Ibn Taymiyyah narrated that there was agreement that it is Haraam to imitate non-Muslims in their festivals at the time of the Prophet’s Companions and Ibn Al-Qayyim narrated that there was scholarly consensus on this point.
3- The love referred to in this festival ever since the Christians revived it is romantic love outside the framework of marriage. The result of that is the spread of fornication and immorality. Hence, the Christian clergy opposed it at some stage and abolished it, then it came back again.
Some people may wonder, and say: “You mean to deprive us of love, but in this day and age we express our feelings and emotions - what is so wrong with that?”
We say:
Firstly: It is a mistake to confuse what they call the day with what the real intentions are behind it. The love referred to on this day is romantic love, taking mistresses and lovers, boyfriends and girlfriends. It is known to be a day of promiscuity and sex for them, with no restraints or restrictions… They are not talking of pure love between a man and his wife or a woman and her husband, or at least they do not distinguish between the legitimate love in the relationship between husband and wife, and the forbidden love of mistresses and lovers. This festival for them is a means for everyone to express love.
Secondly: Expression of feelings and emotions is not a justification for the Muslim to allocate a day for celebration based on his own thoughts and ideas, and to call it a festival, or make it like a festival or ‘Eid. So how about when it is one of the festivals of the non-Muslims?
In Islam, a husband loves his wife throughout the year, and he expresses that love towards her with gifts, in verse and in prose, in letters and in other ways, throughout the years - not just on one day of the year.
Thirdly: There is no religion which encourages its followers to love and care for one another more than Islam does. This applies at all times and in all circumstances, not just on one particular day. Indeed, Islam encourages us to express our emotions and love at all times, as the Prophet said: "If a man loves his brother, let him tell him that he loves him." [Abu Daawood]
And he said: "By the One in Whose hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you truly believe, and you will not truly believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of something that, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam (Islamic greeting) amongst yourselves." [Muslim]
Fourthly: Love in Islam is more general and more comprehensive; it is not restricted only to one kind of love, that between a man and a woman. There are many more kinds of love. There is the love of Allah, love of His Messenger and his companions love for good and righteous people, love and support for the religion, love of martyrdom for the Sake of Allah, etc. There are many kinds of love. It is a dangerous mistake to restrict this broad meaning to this one kind of love.
Fifthly: What these people think, that love before marriage is a good thing, is wrong, as has been proven in studies and by real-life experience.
So, how can we believe that Valentine's Day is of any benefit to Muslims? The truth is that it is a call for more permissiveness and immorality, and the forming of forbidden relationships.
The husband who sincerely loves his wife does not need this holiday to remind him of his love. He expresses his love for his wife at all times and on all occasions.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The small things
While doing my groceries last night, this idea came in my mind about being a mother has change me the way I’m thinking. It was fascinating watching other mother walking with their children and wondering what was their life before that. With one glance people might not think I was a socialite before especially with my 360 degree changes (yes, for some who didn’t know – I’m not Saint). Back to my topic – ‘Being a mother has change me the way I’m thinking’
As a mother I want the world to be a better place for my children (every mother does). When you are young and single you don't take notes the little thing but being older you start to see the little thing makes the different. Such as bringing your own carriage bag to the groceries or shopping to contribute saving the earth. In my tote bag I will carry this ‘Strawberry Folding Bag’ that I got from my sister in law during her son aqiqah ceremony. Best invention and cute and I see people are selling this. Get one for yourself. I never think about this when I was younger but after seeing the climate change I can’t imagine what kind of climate my children will be living in. I still remember when I was kid and we often going to Genting Highland and Cameron Highland and love the cold breeze weather in any hour or any month. But I know most of you know it wasn’t the same anymore. I still remember being there recently and not even need to wear a jacket because it’s warm. It wasn’t like that when I was a kid. I love the feeling being there when I was a kid because it makes me feel I was in Europe due to the weather. I bet some of you agree with me especially when you are the 80’s kid. So I decided to do little contribution like bringing my own bag and recycle stuff. I know some people might say “Oh its sound so emak-emak or so motherhood”. Yes, it does but I am a mother and wait until you have your own children.
Next was save the children. This problem has become from bad to worst. Last time it was children in hunger and poverty but now baby killer. I can’t even make myself looking at the baby corpse or read the papers with this kind of news. There are people angry with the government for providing a place to put the unwanted baby at the Ipoh hospital and school for pregnant teenager. But what you expect them to do? Let the killer baby problem getting worst and be the lifestyle of our children? How bad it may sound but at least it’s one of solution to reduce the number of baby killer. If you don’t like it, give a better idea not just criticize them. And please don’t say parent should raise them better. As parent now, I know most parents want the best for the children and they try hard to raise them in better environment. I have seen friends that been broad up in such Muslim way and nice environment but still pretending being goodie too shoe in front of their parent (in Malay ‘pijat semut tak mati’) but being another thing behind their parent. Not everything to be point at the parent. There are so many bad influence outside there and temptation. So we as community need to lend a hand to help the teenager. But I really mean it, if you have better idea, share it but if you don’t then shut up and let the government do their thing.
I have regrets in my life and one of it is talking back to my mother every time we have disagreement. Oh boy! It’s really a slap on the face once you are a mother. I wish I could have behaving much calmer when facing disagreement with my mom all this years. So now I rather stay quiet whenever I came across conflict idea with my mom. How angry or sad when your mom disagree with you, it’s hurtful when we talk back to them. They went through great deal to bring us to the world and I’ve been through that and realize how wrong I was toward my mom. Sometimes Aaron say thing that hurt me even though he still a kid and not knowing what he did but still it hurt me. So I can’t imagine being my mom that had to go through life with me and my sibling. We aren’t the best children in the world. But we are now trying to give the best life to them after struggling to raise us in such minimal wages especially when we always not in our best behaviour when we were younger.
There are few small thing that I have done after being a mother and I will keep continue doing it for the sake of better world for my children. Keep in mind, small thing does make a different so don’t give up.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Finally we are changing to Window 7
It been a while since Window 7 has been in market but we decided to wait. So far no major problem with it so today we decide to change to Window 7 from our XP (nope, I never feel I need to use Vista). It’s running perfectly. Don't even need to install so any drivers. We love it and it’s gonna stay
Sunday, January 9, 2011
After a long break from blogging
My post stop at My pregnancy : Week 38 but most all of you know I have deliver healthy baby boy in September 5th, 2010. Yes, Isaac Ihsan Ramadhan the name that been chosen for him to remind us that he was our gift in Ramadhan month. I only told few people that I had to under go c-section during the delivery. Nothing to boast about going through c-section because it seriously hurt like hell after you wake up. I really want to give a salute to some of my friends that had to go through more than once c-section to delivery their children. It makes me think twice to have 3rd child. Eid Mubarak only 5 days away and I barely can move during the festival or even eat the festive food due to my condition. Talking about good timing. After that a lot of series sleepless night. This time I had to take care Isaac 100% since I have no longer working. So I didn’t count the day of consignment like I used to do during Aaron’s time. And it does feel good knowing you don’t need to go back to work and missing your baby.
This year start with Aaron attending pre-school. We had to choose Genius Aulad an Islamic English kindergarten due to Aaron’s lack of Malay language. He just finish his orientation week and going to start his actual journey of schooling and learning. Of course we have been teaching him basic ABC and some simple math (add & minus) and how to spell his own name. But this year he will start his Arabic and Quran reading. I still have few task to check as I would like to enroll him on Mandarin class but I think I wait mid of the year or next year to start another language class. I need him to focus on learning and social skill 1st before I start to buried him with a lot of other stuff like music & swimming lesson.
I hope this year will be great year for all of us.. Till we meet again, bye bye for now.